Christmas Sugar Cookies 2024
I kept it simple this year with my Christmas sugar cookies and enjoyed playing with scale, texture, and a limited color palette.
My favorite tip for mixing colors
If you need to mix a light/medium/dark shade of the same color, start with the darkest first. Once you’ve mixed the deepest shade, separate some out into another bowl and cover it with a damp paper towel (you’ll come back to this later). Then, add white icing back in until you’ve reached the medium shade. Separate some out in a bowl and cover it. Lastly, add more white icing until you’ve achieved the lightest shade. Now you have three variations of the same shade, which will work more harmoniously together with the rest of your color palette.
To mix the darkest shade, I used two drops of each color (forest green, teal green and leaf green).
Happy Holidays!
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